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christa Lamb

Name: Christa Lamb
Practice: Angel Card Readings, Chakra Balancing, Reiki, Spiritual Coach, Spiritual Counseling, Universal One Healer
Location: North Andover, MA


About Me:

I would say I was a very curious child. I had a deep desire to explore all different spiritual practices. This was influenced by the unique mixture of growing up protestant and being taught about the Native American ways from my mother. In her youth, she had a mentor named Mr. Morrison from the Poospatuck tribe. His influence stuck with her and she passed her beliefs onto me. At an early age, I learned about the delicate balance we have with all life and respecting Mother Earth.

As I got a bit older, my desire for spiritual diversity grew. I would beg my mother to let me go to church with my catholic friends, or ask endless questions of my Jewish ones. I wanted to know. I remember talking with God every night. I would often ask him why the world is the way it is. I had very strong empathic feelings when I saw trees getting cut down or animals in distress.

In my twenties, I began to see the connection between the physical and spiritual. Though this connection I developed a strong understanding of why we are here. I began to embrace the universal aspects of Christ. And at the same time grew in Buddhist philosophies and meditation practices. I discovered a defining truth inside my heart: Christ and Buddha were spiritually akin on this earth. This understanding had awoken in me a desire to find the similarities within all religions.

My life began to change, but it wasn’t a drastic change. It was subtle. I evolved with wisdom. I began to understand my strengths and abilities and with this growth, my voice began to rise up. I heard the spirit of truth speaking inside of me. And when it spoke, I listened with wisdom. I began to study both western and eastern religions. And allowed my heart and soul to decipher what I was learning and show me the deeper lesson. I started writing from my soul and I grew stronger in the understanding of what I wrote. I learned the love of God is beyond religious belief and what the world teaches. Every experience in life becomes a lesson of love from God. No matter how hard or painful the lesson, we grow stronger in faith and wiser in truth when we desire that spiritual understanding.

I am someone who desires to bring people together in universal truth. This truth varies from person to person, but the results are the same – we begin to heal. It is through acceptance of our unique loving relationship with God and each other that we grow stronger together. We are meant to unify under one banner of divine love. God truly is One. And there is only one Love. Call God Him or Her, or don’t speak a name. Its still One God, with many earth bound description. The truth is we can’t define God. We can only know of God when we live in the spirit of truth, wisdom, and love.

When the spirit speaks, it is heard inside. It is inside that we begin to know the love of God, the love of One. It is my hope that this site will bring every one toward spiritual enlightenment. I hope you will make a connection that will last you a life time. This is my wish for you, for all. I wish all people to meet and understand the purpose of the higher self. I wish for you to find the connection between your spirit and soul, and for you to find your spiritual truth.

I found the truth for myself. My purpose is to help you find your truth for yourself.

I am here for you. This is my purpose. The purpose of One.

Much Eternal Love to you all!
Christa A. Lamb


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