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A Perspective on Church

| April 2, 2011

“Church No More” BY CHRISTINA CRONK MARCH 29, 2011 When I was a little girl, I believed that church was God’s house. But I also believed that God “lived” in heaven… which becomes a little confusing. I thought, ‘Well maybe he lives in heaven, but then he visits our church on Sundays?’ It became more [...]

One God, Same God

| April 1, 2011

The God that I prayed to so tentatively as a little girl, Reciting innocent sing-songy words, Is the same God that my heart prays to now Without speaking, and at times without even thinking But by pure, silent Spiritual Communion with My Beloved. This God is the same God that led the Israelites through the [...]

Just some thing to think about…

| March 28, 2011

This blog post is just what I needed to hear today! Maybe it’s what you need to hear as well! Hope you enjoy! Wisdom from the Spiritual Traditions: The Real Meaning of the Law of Attraction March 27, 2011 by Dr. Steve McSwain Mohandas Gandhi said, “I consider myself a Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, [...]

Our Mission

| March 17, 2011

We believe truth and love are of one heart. The heart of love is the wisdom of truth. Our mission is to provide you a path toward personal spiritual enlightenment. We believe the path should start of wide; after all, there is a world of knowledge waiting to be shared here at the Universal One [...]