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Aura Reading

Aura Healing

Everyone has an aura. The aura is represented in colors that reflect all aspects of our being. These colors can be interpreted because they have spiritual meaning. It’s helpful to think of the aura as the energy life force that radiates around us. The more life we radiate the healthier our aura will appear.

In an aura reading the reader sees these colors through psychic abilities. The aura is a functional part of the spiritual energy system which is represented in the seven layers of your aura. Your aura is then anchored in places by your body’s energy centers (the seven chakras) and the external worldly environment.

Here is a list of the aura layers and their corresponding chakras:
1. Physical Aura Layer & Base Chakra
2. Essential Aura Layer & Reproductive Chakra
3. Energetic Aura Layer & Solar Plexus Chakra
4. Emotional Aura Layer & Heart Chakra
5. Intellectual Aura Layer & Throat Chakra
6. Divine Aura Layer & Brow Chakra
7. Spiritual Aura Layer & Crown Chakra

During a reading, the reader will identify the colors by how bright or dull they appear which colors are most prevalent and how the colors interact. The aura layers relate to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state of the person getting the reading.

Within your aura, the reader may see your past, present, or future circumstances. In the reading, the reader may be able to identify energy belonging to others–like friends and family members. Often people will pick up energy not related to them. One of the most prevalent psychic abilities that is over looked is being what is referred to as empathetic. When other energy is found the reader can help to release the energy blocks. Readings also help you get in touch with your own energy, so you can more readily identify energy that is not your own.

Since the aura is a part of the spiritual energy system connected to the deeper essence of us, it might be beneficial to look into getting a chakra balancing.

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