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The Seven Chakras

The Seven Chakras

There are seven main chakra centers that are aligned with the spinal column from head to toe. A chakra collects and contains energy from several different levels of vibrations, including colors. Their function is to vitalize the physical, mental and emotional state of our self-consciousness.


The Seven Chakras of the Body

1st Chakra: Root

Root Chakra

Muladhara -Root Chakra- Red

The first chakra is called the Root chakra. It is located at the base of the spine. This chakra connects us with the element earth. It connects us to the earth for grounding. It is associated with our survival, will to live and sense of security. The verb association with this chakra is I AM. This chakra can become closed off if you have a lot of fear that isn’t processed in a healthy way. This chakra is red in color.

2nd Chakra: Sacral

Sacrum Chakra

Swadhisthana -Sacrum Chakra- Orange

The second chakra is called the Sacral chakra. It is located 2” below the navel. This chakra connects us with the element water. It is associated with emotions, sexual fulfillment, creativity, ancestral energy, and passion. The verb association is I FEEL. This chakra can become closed off if you have a lot of Guilt that isn’t processed in a healthy way. This chakra is orange in color.

3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus

Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura -Solar Plexus Chakra- Yellow

The third chakra is called the Solar Plexus chakra. It is located 2” above the navel. This chakra is associated with the element fire. It is associated with personal power, boundaries, identity, digestion, metabolic energy, self-esteem, and self-worth. This is where energy radiates, particularly our “gut feelings.” The verb association is I CAN. This chakra can become closed off if you have a lot of shame that isn’t processed in a healthy way. This chakra is yellow in color.

4th Chakra: Heart

Heart Chakra

Anahata -Heart Chakra- Green

The forth chakra is called the Heart chakra. It is located at the center of the breasts. This chakra connects us with the element air. It is associated with love, connection, belonging, compassion, and sense of touch. This chakra can become closed off if you have a lot of sorrow that isn’t processed in a healthy way. The verb association is I LOVE. This chakra is green in color.

5th Chakra: Throat

Throat Chakra

Vishudda -Throat Chakra- Blue

The fifth chakra is called the Throat chakra. It is located at the neck. This chakra connects us with the element sound. It is associated with communication, expression and articulation. The verb association is I SPEAK. This chakra can become closed off if you have a lot of lies that aren’t processed in a healthy way. This chakra is blue in color.

6th Chakra: Third Eye

Third Eye Chakra

Ajuna -Third Eye Chakra- Indigo

The sixth chakra is called the Third Eye chakra. It is located at the forehead. This chakra connects us with the element light. It is associated with imagination, inner vision, intuition, telepathy, and clairvoyance. This chakra can become closed off if you have a lot of fear that isn’t dealt with. The verb association is I SEE. This chakra can become closed off if you have a lot of illusion that isn’t processed in a healthy way. This chakra is indigo in color.

7th Chakra: Crown

Crown Chakra

Sahasrara- Crown Chakra- Violet

The seventh chakra is called the Crown chakra. It is located at the top of the head. This chakra connects us with the element thought. It is associated with wisdom, oneness, knowledge, understanding and our higher state of consciousness. The verb association is I KNOW. This chakra can become closed off if you have a lot of attachment that isn’t processed in a healthy way. This chakra is violet in color.

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