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Emotional Freedom Technique

The Emotional Freedom Technique has its origins in Chinese philosophy and medicine, particularly acupuncture. However, instead of using needles that must be administered by an acupuncturist, you can be trained to tap on important “energy meridians” to self heal. It is a non-invasive method that can be used on physical, mental , emotional and spiritual ailments.

The theory is that emotional traumas can cause blockages in our energy systems. Often the effects from traumas continue to unconsciously create blockages in our lives regardless of how hard we try to overcome them. By correcting the energy blockages and disturbances in our body’s energy pathways (meridians) we can shift our limiting unconscious beliefs.

A good practitioner will teach you how to use your fingers to tap on certain body points while initially repeating the negative programming or emotion that you are experiencing. People are sometimes taken aback by having to say out loud the negative feelings that they are experiencing. However, it is by pin pointing these feelings and beliefs that one can actually tap out their influences. By making a statement that the unconscious already agrees with, it will not try to sabotage the process. Our unconscious is usually trying to protect us from hurt, even if it appears as a limitation to us. We are honoring its need to protect us, even if it is causing dysfunction.

After a few rounds of admitting the negative emotions while tapping, a sense of freedom is experienced that you can almost feel happening. Now you can begin a few rounds of tapping in the positive statements. This is not a “logical” process but a true energy technique that goes behind the mind’s radar to directly affect blockages.

This technique can be used while listening to comforting music to enhance the effects. It is a process that seems to work where many others have failed. The beauty is, once you learn it, you have wonderful healing techniques at your fingertips!

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