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About Angels: Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel “Fire of God”

In western traditions, Uriel is known as the messenger of the Most High, the Spirit of Ministration, Peace and Grace, and he is a leader of angelic armies, together with Michael.

Uriel is said to resemble a child-like Cherub or seraph.

Color: Purple, red, and gold
Elements: Earth
Direction: North
Season: Summer

Qualities: Beauty and enlightenment

Call on Uriel to:
o Overcome fear and anxiety
o Enhance spiritual vision
o Activate love within you
o Help give you inner peace to protect our own being
o Give you strength to behave with compassion, even to those who might hurt you
o Help give a gift to humanity

o Open hand holding a flame

-Quick Facts-
o Corresponds to the solar plexus chakra
o Guardian of the gates of paradise
o Known as Archangel of salvation
o Some believe Uriel is the guardian of our planet
o Believed to give the Kabala to man

The Archangels:

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