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Please Help Support the Dog Chapel in Vermont! where all creeds, breeds, and no dogmas allowed!

| July 17, 2013

THE DOG CHAPEL AT DOG MOUNTAIN NEEDS OUR HELP! You can support the Dog Chapel by visiting, donating or buying ART! Here’s some helpful links: Help out by buying some DOG ART Or make a small donation to Dog Mountain Or volunteer, Dog Mountain is looking for some extra help Learn about the Dog Chapel [...]

The Gay Debate: The Bible and Homosexuality

| July 6, 2012

Matthew Vines speaks on the theological debate regarding the Bible and the role of gay Christians in the church. Delivered at College Hill United Methodist Church in Wichita, Kansas on March 8, 2012. Transcript: The Bible and Homosexuality: Why I Left College and Spent Two Years Finding Out What the Scriptures Really Say By [...]

Elephants take 12 Hour Journey to Mourn Loss of “Elephant Whisperer” Lawrence Anthony

| May 14, 2012

For 12 hours the huge beasts slowly made their way through the Zululand bush until they reached the house of the man they loved – to say good-bye. That, according to the son of conservationist and adventurer Lawrence Anthony, who passed away while on a business trip to Johannesburg last Friday, was the profoundly moving [...]

My Thank You for Life

| April 13, 2011

by Christa Lamb I’ve learned from my experiences in life that it doesn’t matter what happens to me or what someone does to me. The collective of all my experiences is growth. My deliberate actions toward goodness are not to prove to the world I am a better person than what it can throw at [...]

What Makes a Family?

| April 2, 2011

The Family Within by Christa A. Lamb December 21, 2009 What is family? I thought I knew until I found the family I so desperately craved within my soul. The spirit (not blood) running through my veins has brought me the comfort of family; and brings me the love and acceptance of who I am [...]