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Life Purpose Coach

Nearly everyone asks themselves once, twice or maybe 10 times in their lives: “What is my life purpose?” Living our lives day to day without a sense of real value and purpose is a major contributor to depression and low self-esteem. Since humans today are living much longer than our ancestors, it is likely we will change our life purpose several times.

However, underlying all the various forms of purpose is one deeper purpose for all. The Dalai Lama states it perfectly: “Our prime purpose in this life is to help others, and if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”

Having a Life Purpose Coach to assist you in finding your current life purpose is valuable. When you work with a qualified Life Purpose Coach, they will assist you in finding your next steps in discovering what you are meant to do now in your life and creating a plan to achieve it. Inevitably this process brings clients more self-esteem, satisfaction, and personal power. Various techniques are used in life coaching instead of just a “talk therapy”. Sessions can include meditation, visualization, collage work, journal writing, EFT (emotional freedom technique), dream analysis and other alternative methods to learn about yourself and your gifts. Often, Life Coaches will follow up with email sessions as well. Always ask if your coach is certified and experienced to assure a great experience.

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