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About Angels: Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael “Greatest messenger who is like God”

In western traditions, Michael is Lord of the Archangels, commander-in-chief of the heavenly armies and an archangel who defeats Satan in heavenly warfare. He will deliver God’s people in the last days. Michael is also known as the “Prince of Light.” He leads the angels of light in battle against the legions of angels of darkness.

Michael can be seen in many forms depending on the observer. For some he is seen as a warrior with strong muscles and carrying the sword of truth. Others see him in true angel form as a golden glowing figure with a second layer of light radiating out. Some people experience Michael through flashes of bright blue or purple colors within their minds eye.

Color: Blue, purple

Elements: Fire

Direction: South

Season: Autumn

Qualities: Protection, truth, justice, power

Call on Michael to:
o Ground your spirit
o Give life deeper meaning than just surviving
o Help in using your talents and abilities to make the world a better place
o Protect against negative people or spirits
o Battle against a negative inner voice

o Hear his guidance in the mind
o Sense him like gut feeling
o See a feather or a multitude of feathers
o Huge rainbow
o Angel shaped cloud
o Shooting stars

-Quick Facts-

o Corresponds to root chakra
o Leader of heavenly armies
o Stands for courage, integrity, and justice
o Patron saint of police officers and military personnel
o Name means “Who is like God”
o Guards you from lower energies
o Assisted by a legion of angels known as the band of mercy
o With Gabriel, Michael is the most commonly depicted angel in the works of the classic masters

The Archangels:

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