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Children of Africa Video -A Celebration of Humanity

| September 22, 2011

Please watch this video! An amazing musical celebration of humanity, its origins, and achievements, contrasted with a somber look at our environmentally destructive tendencies and deep similarities with other primates. Featuring Jacob Bronowski, Alice Roberts, Carolyn Porco, Jane Goodall, Robert Sapolsky, Neil deGrasse Tyson and David Attenborough. “Children of Africa” is the tenth installment in [...]

Importance of Spiritual Healing

| September 22, 2011

The Importance of Spiritual Healing Article by E. Strauss Something to understand with Spiritual Healing methods and methodology is that it is not for everyone nor is it for everything. The same way that contemporary medicine is not the best thing for everyone or everything. Spiritual healing is metaphysical, usually focusing on an energy pattern [...]

In the Ocean Air. Poem by Christa A. Lamb

| September 14, 2011

I AM in the sun And the moon And the stars— The sky at Night. I AM the life-giving force Called Ki. I AM the endless waves Crashing ashore. I AM the footprint Erasing time— The pulling back of The veil. I AM the singularity of Time-space— The birthing of A moment. I AM the [...]

Comparison in the sayings of Buddha and Christ

| September 9, 2011

Buddha:“Consider others as yourself.” Christ:“Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.” & “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Buddha:“If you do not tend to one another then who is there to tend to you? Whoever would tend me, he should tend the sick.” Christ:“Truly I say to you, to the [...]

Jesus a Reiki Healer

| September 8, 2011

Similarities between the Healing of Jesus and Reiki by William Lee Rand (Courtesy of the International Center for Reiki Training) John 14-12: “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me, can do the same miracles I have done, and even greater things than these will you do.” One of the outstanding aspects [...]